“Futuro: Immaginare e esplorare le nuove sfide per design d’interni” (Ed. I) 

“Future: Imagine and explore new challenges for the interior design”

This two-day workshop with BA students of Interior Design aimed at stimulating critical reflection and discussion on the near future social challenges. The students were supposed to ask themselves an evolution of climate change will impact one’s life, how humans will have to adapt to these changes, learn to coexist with the new environment one’s life, how humans will have to adapt to these changes, learn to coexist with the new environment and other co-inhabitants (natural and man-made). The students were asked to use the Future as a space for critical inquiry to reflect critically on the discipline of Interior Design and the role of designers in building more thriving conditions for the citizens. The workshop was using an envisioning tool developed by Mila Stepanović “Technological and Societal Inspiration Cards” exploiting the world of Science Fiction and Diegetic prototypes present in the cinematography.

Place::: Politecnico di Milano I Design School I BA in Interior Design

Date ::: March 2022

Context ::: Educational activity [BA Course: Laboratorio di fondamenti del progetto - Laboratory of project fundamentals, Course Head Teacher: Prof. Luca Guerrini]

Mila Stepanovic

e-mail::: info@milastepanovic.com

tel::: +39 3382765603

